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pcntl runs the same code several times, assistance required

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Why is not a good idea to use multithreading in php?

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How to check PCNTL module exists

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PHP PCNTL - what does pcntl_signal()'s restart_syscalls parameter do?

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How do I keep my mysql connection in the parent process after pcntl_fork?

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what is the difference between pcntl_exec and exec in php?

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Why does pcntl_fork() copy PHP objects?

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pcntl_wait not interrupted by SIGTERM

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What are the best/popular libraries for developing CLI apps/scripts?

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How can I check a PDO MySQL connection for errors BEFORE I run a query?

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What's a "good" setting for PHP ticks with pcntl_signal?

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posix_kill vs pcntl_signal

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How to install PHP extension 'pcntl' on my Mac OSX

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Subsequent pcntl_signal signals not kicking off handler

What's the relation between declare(ticks) and a signal handler in php

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Call to undefined function pcntl_fork() php-fpm nginx

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PHP CLI in Windows: Handling Ctrl-C commands?

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Enable PCNTL in Ubuntu PHP - test fails

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