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New posts in exception-specification

Exception specification, is it useful or not?

Try/Catch or IF for handling missing Files?

Exception specification in ˋtypedefˋ completely forbidden or only at toplevel?

confusion about non-throw functions

How to get rid of "C++ exception specification ignored" warning

Exception specification when overriding a virtual function

What is the exception specification for a defaulted virtual destructor in C++11?

Exception specifications when deriving from std::exception in C++11

Why are C++ exception specifications not checked at compile-time?

Why std::map find() is not declared as noexcept?

Is there a generally accepted idiom for indicating C++ code can throw exceptions?

Transitioning to C++11 where destructors are implicitly declared with noexcept

Is there any point in declaring a deleted function as noexcept?

How does an exception specification affect virtual destructor overriding?

Exception Specification

How can std::runtime_error::runtime_error(const std::string&) meet std::exception's requirement of throw()?

c++1z dynamic exception specification error

Questions about Hinnant's stack allocator