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New posts in event-sourcing

Inter-aggregate communication

Timeseries/temporal data in DDD on write side in CQRS

In ES + CQRS + DDD, can a event not update any real domain state at all?

Implementing an Event Store with optimistic concurrency checks over multiple clients

Event-sourcing and sagas - compensating transactions

DDD, CQRS, Event Sourcing: Where do entities come from?

How to create a single NServiceBus endpoint that uses different transports?

How to retrieve historical events after changes to Domain Event structure

c# cqrs event-sourcing

Is there a way to filter the AWS DynamoDb Stream before triggering lambdas?

How to design MongoDB data model to store Event Sourcing events

Event Sourcing with Side-Effects

Subscribe to category stream, event never appears in subscription client

CQRS / communication between contexts / eventstore / push or pull?

CQRS: How to implement a voting mechanism (many to many relationship)

Is there a way to start the EventStore served in Windows (without using docker at all)?

Wiring up JOliver's EventStore using RavenDB Persistence Plugin

Why do sagas (aka, process managers) contain an internal state and why are they persisted to the event store?

Stream aggregate relationship in an event sourced system

CQRS Event Sourcing check username is unique or not from EventStore while sending command

Axon Framework vs Eventuate comparison