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Why is Perl DBI escaping values retrieved from MySQL?

mysql perl escaping dbi dbd

kotlin String::replace removing escape sequences?

regex kotlin escaping

How can escaping be used to prevent XSS attacks?

symfony1 xss escaping

Can all keys be represented as a single char in c++?

URL Percent Encoding (URI Escaping) in Perl

perl url escaping

Replacing escaped double quotes by double quotes in R

sql mysql regex r escaping

Equivalent of php's mysql_real_escape_string

delphi escaping dynamic-sql

C String Literal Required Escape Characters

c string escaping

C++ regex escaping punctional characters like "."

c++ regex escaping

Sitecore Fast Query - How to search for text containing special characters (such as an apostrophe)?

c# .net escaping sitecore

Writing to a new line of a file in Objective-C

escaping html tags and reading only the text in php?

php html escaping

How to escape output in PHP

php security escaping xss

PHP: serializing and unserializing string containing escaped characters

php serialization escaping

Escaping HTML in HAML

escaping haml

Regexp .test always returns false

javascript regex escaping

Replace characters with HTML entities in Java

Escape Left Bracket C# Regex

Trouble escaping dollar sign in Perl

regex perl escaping

LESS CSS Escape entire CSS rule with different prefixes?

css variables escaping less