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New posts in erlang-otp

Allowing a gen_fsm to timeout if it receives no messages

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Getting a sibling process in Elixir

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Will data in gen_server be kept after restarted by its supervisor?

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How can I execute a call to the current process in a GenServer?

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How to trigger elixir supervisor tree termination from a supervised worker process

Erlang's slave module: code and IO distribution

erlang erlang-otp slave

Unsupervised gen_server doesn't call terminate when it receives exit signal

Erlang fault-tolerant application: PA or CA of CAP?

When to use erlang application:start or included_applications and a supervisor?

erlang erlang-otp rebar

Simple_one_for_one can only be terminated if appointed SHUTDOWN strategy to brutal_kill?

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How are the Erlang/OTP applications packaged?

erlang erlang-otp

Erlang HTTP Client: inets or ibrowse or ...?

erlang erlang-otp inets

Why hasn't Erlang's Open Telecom Platform (OTP) been ported to other languages?

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Erlang: how to deal with long running init callback?

What is the semantics for choosing the reason when stopping a gen_server?

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OTP behaviours: gen_fsm; gen_event. Practical examples?

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How to run Elixir Supervisor in escript

How does Erlang hot code swapping work in the middle of activity?

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What happens after all children of a supervisor die?

Trouble Understanding Erlang Gen_Server Architecture