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New posts in rebar

How to handle deps while using rebar to release?

erlang rebar

How to specify configuration file for common_test running tests with rebar

erlang rebar common-test

Where to put data for an Erlang release to run

Why is relx not generating a release?

erlang rebar relx

Rebar: compiling only project files (without dependencies)

erlang rebar

How to debug my Eunit test suite run when using rebar3?

debugging erlang rebar eunit

Always got undef error of lager_transform when using lager log framework

erlang rebar

Stuck at {"init terminating in do_boot",{undef,[{rmbrDb,start,[],[]},

erlang erlang-otp rebar

rebar: Missing application directory

erlang rebar reltool

"Uncaught error in rebar_core" when trying to build rebar

rebar erl

Erlang EUnit test module that depends on a library application

erlang rebar eunit

Erlang start application in production

erlang rebar

When to use erlang application:start or included_applications and a supervisor?

erlang erlang-otp rebar

Meaning of elements in Rebar deps configuration

erlang rebar

Handling external libs with rebar

What is the standard build tool in Erlang?

build erlang makefile rebar

Any way to have rebar get-deps check a local cache before cloning a repository?

erlang rebar

how to set include directory for rebar

erlang rebar

How set Erlang node name, when run an Erlang application by basho rebar from command line

erlang rebar

how to setup cowboy with rebar3

erlang rebar cowboy