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New posts in elixir-mix

missing Phoenix specific mix tasks / generators

ets.lookup_element(Ecto.Registry, nil, 3) in customized mix task

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How to create a Mix task at the root of an umbrella project?

elixir elixir-mix

The task "docs" could not be found. Did you mean "do"?

Can't get the environment variables in Elixir project

elixir elixir-mix

mix deps.get fails, {:failed_connect, [{:to_address, {'repo.hex.pm', 443}}, {:inet, [:inet], {:option, :server_only, :honor_cipher_order}}]}

elixir elixir-mix hex-pm

Setting MIX_ENV in Heroku for Phoenix Framework

Can't access a dependency config in main elixir project

elixir elixir-mix

Why do I get this error `(Mix) Could not find an SCM for dependency :cowboy `

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Running a shell script as a mix alias

elixir elixir-mix

Error in Elixir : returned a bad value: :ok

elixir elixir-mix

How can I avoid the "warning: redefining module Foo" when running ExUnit tests multiple times in one process

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When to use a dot in elixir module name?

elixir elixir-mix

How do you get the elixir compiler to show warnings when running a phoenix server?

Preventing a mix task being included when your project is included as a mix dep

elixir elixir-mix hex-pm

How can I list all tests using `mix test`

elixir elixir-mix ex-unit

Running mix tasks in production

Use a local repository in Elixir?

GitHub Actions Invalid Workflow File Error