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New posts in elixir-mix

mix deps.get fails (dependency issue)

How to read config files on elixir mix project

file parsing elixir elixir-mix

How to run Elixir Supervisor in escript

Attach an iex shell to a running elixir application

heroku elixir elixir-mix

How do Elixir with Mix make a daemon?

When should I generate a mix umbrella vs a phoenix umbrella?

How do I run `iex -S mix` without compiling changed files?

'Task could not be found' for custom mix task

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How do I run a mix task from within a mix task?

elixir elixir-mix

How to fix "could not compile dependency :bcrypt_elixir" error on Windows?

Mixed Erlang/Elixir projects - can I use mix or rebar?

Elixir "Package not found in registry: :hackney" problem

What does `runtime: false` mean in the Mixfile dependencies?

Alias all contents of a module/namepsace in IEX

Why does MIX dependencies have a "~>" before the semantic version of the dependency?

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Is it possible to get the compiler to exit early, failing the build, if a compile time warning is raised?

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How do I set the default Elixir mix task

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Elixir ExUnit: module under test is not available

elixir elixir-mix

How to get data from Ecto in a custom mix task

MIX_ENV=prod on a Phoenix server crashes on starting with PORT=80