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New posts in environment

Setting parent.env, followed by `detach`, segfaults

r environment

R how to restrict the names that are in scope to those I create explicitly?

r scope environment

Detect desktop environment in Linux programmatically in C

c linux desktop environment

Android application not starting from shortcut

Python locals() for containing scope

Unable To See Variable Names In Environment Pane in RStudio v0.98.501

r rstudio environment pane

PyInstaller win32ctypes.pywin32.pywintypes.error: (2, 'LoadLibraryExW', 'The system cannot find the file specified.')

Custom environment variable in XCode 4 - ${CUSTOM_VAR}

How to manage two pip versions in conda?

python pip environment conda

Do separate Anaconda environments install the same package twice, taking up twice the storage?

python anaconda environment

Rails 3 - set environment

Nested functions, sys.parent, and environments in R

r recursion environment

Problems with umlauts in python appdata environvent variable

How can I persist the environment between GHCi reloads?

haskell environment ghci

how to compare environment for equality in R

r frame environment

Installing environment descriptions in eclipse

java eclipse build environment

fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'Windows.h': and scons

update() inside a function only searches the global environment?

r function environment

Custom Environment Variables in PHP

How special is the global variable _G?