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New posts in entity-framework-4.1

How to use Order By in this MSDN example

System.OutOfMemoryException using Entity Framework?

Saving changes/updating existing object in dataset with Entity FrameWork and not have to set each property individually

How to work with Portable Class Library and EF Code-first?

Why does EF 4.1 not support complex queries as well as linq-to-sql?

Order navigation properties when using Include and/or Select methods with EF 4.1 Code-First?

Sorting data using EF DbSet [closed]

How to delete a record with a foreign key constraint?

EF - Cascade Delete Not Working, Can't Delete Object

DBContext Added/Attached Event?

Reflecting changes made to stored procedure in Entity Framework-generated complex type

EF 4.1 Code First - OnModelCreating call time

Entity Framework: There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first

Multiple Associations from one Object to two Objects of the same Entity Type

Interface and repository abstraction break subqueries in Entity Framework 4.1 DbContext API?

Entity Framework Code First and Collections of Primitive Types

Top per group: Take(1) works but FirstOrDefault() doesn't?

Entity Framework cant use the DbContext, model being created

How can I add default values to a property when saving using Code First EF4.1?

How to call Scalar-valued function from LINQ to Entities server-side