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New posts in entity-attribute-value

How to store meta-data on columns

Magento ORM Documentation

How to implement user defined fields and grouping for the multi-tenant application: EAV, fixed tables pattern, NoSQL

Dynamic columns in database tables vs EAV

How to store extensible metadata in an ORM-friendly way in .NET?

Convert two columns into key-value json object?

Database Structure involving dynamic fields

Improving a query using a lot of inner joins to wp_postmeta, a key/value table

(Database Design - products attributes): What is better option for product attribute database design?

How and where to modify Magento search query?

What is best performance for Retrieving MySQL EAV results as Relational Table

Too many tables; MySQL can only use 61 tables in a join

Using NHibernate with an EAV data model

How to design a database schema to support tagging with categories?

How would you design your database to allow user-defined schema

is EAV - Hybrid a bad database design choice

MySQL correlated subquery in JOIN syntax

How to pivot a MySQL entity-attribute-value schema

Entity-Attribute-Value Table Design

How can I handle different data types in an Entity-Attribute-Value design (e.g. single table with multiple columns or multiple tables per data type)?