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MySQL correlated subquery in JOIN syntax

I would like to provide a WHERE condition on an inner query by specifying innertable.id = outertable.id. However, MySQL (5.0.45) reports "Unknown column 'outertable.id' in 'where clause'". Is this type of query possible?

The inner query is pivoting rows to columns using a GROUP BY. This could be entirely be performed in the outer query, but would possibly incur additional overhead due to the extra joins.

Alternatively, I can leave off the WHERE condition in the inner query and instead specify an ON outertable.id = innerquery.id, but it would then fetch the entire inner query rowset to join again the outer, which is inefficient.

The actual SQL appears below:

select t.ticketid, u.userid, t.fullname, u.loginapi_userid, t.email, tp.subject, tp.contents, a.PhoneNumber, a.Location, a.Extension, a.BusinessUnit, a.Department
from swtickets t
inner join swticketposts tp on t.ticketid = tp.ticketid
inner join swusers u on t.userid = u.userid
left join
  min(case cfv.customfieldid when 1 then cfv.fieldvalue end) as 'PhoneNumber',
  min(case cfv.customfieldid when 3 then cfv.fieldvalue end) as 'Location',
  min(case cfv.customfieldid when 5 then cfv.fieldvalue end) as 'Extension',
  min(case cfv.customfieldid when 8 then cfv.fieldvalue end) as 'BusinessUnit',
  min(case cfv.customfieldid when 9 then cfv.fieldvalue end) as 'Department'
  from swcustomfieldvalues cfv
  where cfv.typeid = t.ticketid
  group by cfv.typeid
  ) as a on 1 = 1
where t.ticketid = 2458;
like image 713
Taylor Gerring Avatar asked Feb 09 '09 22:02

Taylor Gerring

People also ask

How do you write a correlated subquery in MySQL?

A correlated subquery is a subquery that contains a reference to a table that also appears in the outer query. For example: SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE column1 = ANY (SELECT column1 FROM t2 WHERE t2. column2 = t1.

Can we use subquery in joins?

Subqueries can be used as an alternative to joins. A subquery is typically nested inside the WHERE clause. Subqueries must always be enclosed within parentheses. The table that's specified in the subquery is typically different than the one in the outer query, but it can be the same.

How does correlated subquery work in MySQL?

A correlated subquery in MySQL is a subquery that depends on the outer query. It uses the data from the outer query or contains a reference to a parent query that also appears in the outer query. MySQL evaluates it once from each row in the outer query.

Is correlated subquery better than JOIN?

In MySQL however, correlated subqueries are often the most efficient way to do a query. This is especially true when using a subquery in an IN clause. So, there is no golden rule.

1 Answers

The answer to your question is no, it is not possible to reference correlation names as you are doing. The derived table is produced by your inner query before the outer query starts evaluating joins. So the correlation names like t, tp, and u are not available to the inner query.

To solve this, I'd recommend using the same constant integer value in the inner query, and then join the derived table in the outer query using a real condition instead of 1=1.

SELECT t.ticketid, u.userid, t.fullname, u.loginapi_userid, t.email,
  tp.subject, tp.contents, a.PhoneNumber, a.Location, a.Extension,
  a.BusinessUnit, a.Department
FROM swtickets t
 INNER JOIN swticketposts tp ON (t.ticketid = tp.ticketid)
 INNER JOIN swusers u ON (t.userid = u.userid)
  SELECT cfv.typeid,
    MIN(CASE cfv.customfieldid WHEN 1 THEN cfv.fieldvalue END) AS 'PhoneNumber',
    MIN(CASE cfv.customfieldid WHEN 3 THEN cfv.fieldvalue END) AS 'Location',
    MIN(CASE cfv.customfieldid WHEN 5 THEN cfv.fieldvalue END) AS 'Extension',
    MIN(CASE cfv.customfieldid WHEN 8 THEN cfv.fieldvalue END) AS 'BusinessUnit',
    MIN(CASE cfv.customfieldid WHEN 9 THEN cfv.fieldvalue END) AS 'Department'
  FROM swcustomfieldvalues cfv
  WHERE cfv.typeid = 2458
  GROUP BY cfv.typeid
  ) AS a ON (a.typeid = t.ticketid)
WHERE t.ticketid = 2458;
like image 64
Bill Karwin Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09

Bill Karwin