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New posts in entities

Extending entities in Symfony2 with Doctrine2

Should Entities in Domain Driven Design and Entity Framework be the same?

Disable decoding of HTML entities in Chrome developer tools

In DDD, what are the actual advantages of value objects?

Android string encoding and html entities converting

android html encoding entities

Functional Programming + Domain-Driven Design

Doctrine - Add default time stamp to entity like NOW()

Sf2 : using a service inside an entity

symfony service entities

LINQ .Take() returns more elements than requested

c# linq entities

how to sort an entity's arrayCollection in symfony2

What is 

html entities

What Belongs to the Aggregate Root

HTML5: which is better - using a character entity vs using a character directly?

JPA 2.0: Adding entity classes to PersistenceUnit *from different jar* automatically

How do I unescape HTML entities in a string in Python 3.1? [duplicate]

Convert XML/HTML Entities into Unicode String in Python [duplicate]

python html entities

Why not use an IoC container to resolve dependencies for entities/business objects?

What is the difference between "LINQ to Entities", "LINQ to SQL" and "LINQ to Dataset"

c# sql linq dataset entities

The type or namespace name 'Objects' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Data'

Why do we need entity objects? [closed]

sql database orm entities