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New posts in encryption-symmetric

Deriving a secret from a master key using JCE/JCA

How to manage secret Key in java

Preventing MITM attacks on server

RSA and AES encryption

Using Rijndael encryption for large files

high-level ruby library for encryption

mcrypt doesn't work in PHP 5.6 on windows/IIS

Questions about the NaCL crypto library

Proper password storage and retrieval for service accounts?

Illegal Block Size Exception Input length must be multiple of 16 when decrypting with padded cipher

Why can I encrypt data with one DES key and successfully decrypt with another?

openssl_encrypt() randomly fails - IV passed is only ${x} bytes long, cipher expects an IV of precisely 16 bytes

gpg-agent in gpg2

AES managed encryption values always end in ==?

c# encryption-symmetric

Encryption and Decryption between Android, PHP & node.js

Stopping decryption before EOF throws exception: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed

C# AES Rijndael - detecting invalid passwords

Safe non-tamperable URL component in Perl using symmetric encryption?

Simple code to encrypt an .INI file string using a password

Where to Store Encryption Keys MVC Application