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New posts in ehcache

Cache invalidation in Ehcache


Mocking net.sf.ehcache.Cache (ehcache) with .put method stub (Mockito)

java mocking ehcache mockito

spring testing: Another CacheManager with same name 'myCacheManager' already exists in the same VM

ehcache spring-test

Getting an EhCache instance with Spring... intelligently

spring ehcache

Are native SQL queries cached by default when Hibernate query cache is turned on?

hibernate caching ehcache

Performance of JBoss Cache and Ehcache

Is it possible to implement distributed caching using of Ehcache without Terracotta Enterprise Suite?

EHCache how to check if something is in the cache or not?

java spring caching ehcache

A soft-locked cache entry was removed already. Out of balance lock/unlock sequences?

java spring hibernate ehcache

Spring cache vs. cachemanger

spring ehcache

Advantage of using ehcahce over a static HashMap

Spring ehcache vs Memcached?

Dedicated cache region for entity subclasses?

hibernate jpa-2.0 ehcache

How can I force Maven to use Ehcache 2.2.0 with Hibernate 3.3.2GA?

hibernate maven-2 ehcache

EhCache overflow to disk at specific path

java hibernate ehcache

Does Hibernate 4 with ehcache require ehcache-core library?

java hibernate ehcache

How to Iterate on a cache entries

java spring caching ehcache

Spring @Cacheable not caching

spring caching ehcache