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Cache invalidation in Ehcache



I am using Ehcache in Hibernate.

How can I notify the cache that the database has changed? How can I invalidate the cached data? How can I programmatically achieve this?

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user729344 Avatar asked Apr 29 '11 09:04


Video Answer

2 Answers

What do exactly mean? There are 2 ways to make a change in the database: inside the app & outside the app

Inside the app you can trigger easily an invalidation. The second one is a harder to solve. Cache elements are stored with a key and based on that key you can delete it.

CacheManager manager = CacheManager.getInstance();
cache = manager.getCache(cacheName);



Depending how you configured ehcache of course. But you need to know the name of the cache that holds the object.

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lukin Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 17:11


This is how you can invalidate all EhCache items without bothering what the individual cache names are:

CacheManager manager = CacheManager.getInstance();

String[] names = manager.getCacheNames();

for (String name : names)
    Cache cache = manager.getCache(name);

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Ivan Davidov Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 17:11

Ivan Davidov