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New posts in ef-code-first

Entity Framework - Code First - Multiplicity constraint violated, The role X of the relationship Y has multiplicity 1 or 0..1

Get number of rows deleted and number of rows edited by DbContext.SaveChanges()

How to add an index on multiple columns with ASC/DESC sort using the Fluent API?

EF Core DbUpdateConcurrencyException does not work as expected

How can I generate DDL scripts from Entity Framework 4.3 Code-First Model?

Create one to one relationship by using entity framework database first

Regenerate Code-First database without adding any data

C# - MVC application How to update and delete a record from the database

Prevent NULL checks in LINQ to Entity Joins

DbContext Generator T4 Templates with Code First

Include() is not working as LEFT JOIN (Entity Framework 6)

How to eagerly load a many to many relationship with the entity framework code first?

Reflection + Linq + DbSet

EF 4.2 Code First. How to name a many-to-many table?

POCO classes and ViewModels in MVC3

Entity Framework 4.1 Code First - Include is being ignored when using LinqKit PredicateBuilder

Consolidate many if conditions to a single LINQ statement if possible

EF Code First Encrypt/Decrypt Password Property

Make Foreign Key (string field) nullable

EF Code First adds extra column to query that doesn't exist in model anymore