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New posts in edit-distance

Edit distance explanation

algorithm edit-distance

Levenshtein distance with weight/penalty for adjacency

Faster edit distance algorithm [closed]

Token-based edit distance in Python?

python nltk edit-distance

Looking for similar words

How to get an edit-distance between two commits?

Modify Levenshtein-Distance to ignore order

Redshift: Any ways to compute fuzzy string similarity / string edit distance?

Quickly compare a string against a Collection in Java

Difference in normalization of Levenshtein (edit) distance?

most efficient edit distance to identify misspellings in names?

Generate regular expression for given string and edit distance

php mysql regex edit-distance

Optimize R code to create distance matrix based on customized distance function

How is Levenshtein Distance calculated on Simplified Chinese characters?

Oracle fuzzy text search with wildcards

How can I compare two strings to find the number of characters that match in R, using substitution distance?

What's the difference between Levenshtein distance and the Wagner-Fischer algorithm

Levenshtein Distance Formula in CoffeeScript?

Shortest path to transform one word into another