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persistence.xml with Glassfish 3.1.1

Should I let JPA or the database cascade deletions?

How do I find a value in a column that just have unique values with EclipseLink?

java sql jpa eclipselink

No [EntityType] was found for the key class [...] in the Metamodel

java jpa eclipselink

Execute sql script after jpa/EclipseLink created tables?

java orm jpa eclipselink jpa-2.0

JPA composite primary key with null value

Generate DDL for JPA 2.0 with EclipseLink

jpa eclipselink ddl

Hibernate vs EclipseLink

java hibernate jpa eclipselink

JPA persistence.xml META-INF not working correctly

Insert after delete same transaction in Spring Data JPA

When I use A JPA Query's getResultList(), are the results detached or managed?

java jpa eclipselink

Java8 Collections.sort (sometimes) does not sort JPA returned lists

Entity must be managed to call remove

java jpa-2.0 eclipselink

Example of using CURRENT_DATE in JPA query

java jpa eclipselink

How to use joda time with JPA (eclipselink)?

What are the difference between: sequence id using JPA @TableGenerator, @GeneratedValue vs database Auto_Increment

Are JPA (EclipseLink) custom types possible?

javax.ejb.EJBException: Illegal non-business method access on no-interface view

servlets jpa ejb eclipselink

JPA @Transient fields being cleared before @PreUpdate method is called

java jpa eclipselink

Getting a JDBC connection from EclipseLink