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New posts in eclipse-plugin

Failed to instantiate com.android.menubar.internal.MenuBarEnhancerCocoa

How to find out what Eclipse is doing in background?

eclipse eclipse-plugin

Problem installing Maven plugin (m2eclipse) in Eclipse (Galileo)

How to get resource from another plugin?

Eclipse RCP: Where should I keep my model objects and how do they talk to the views?

Help installing Eclipse svn connector on Mac OS X

Scala eclipse plugin java.lang.ClassNotFoundException

TFS Compare in Eclipse (can't copy from left to right)

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IDE for Firefox Add-ons Development

Eclipse IDE: install set of plugins

Changing highlighting color in a theme from Eclipse color theme

eclipse eclipse-plugin

When to choose "Generate an activator..." when creating a new Eclipse plugin project

How to install UML plugin for Eclipse?

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Android plugin for Eclipse (ADT) disappears after SDK 20 upgrading

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Require-Bundle and Import-Package versus feature.xml requires

How to include a dependency to a jar file from an eclipse/osgi application?

Eclipse - supporting outline view with require.js define(...)

Eclipse Plugin project with other project dependencies

Running a quick code test in eclipse

java eclipse eclipse-plugin

Tool for downloading eclipse plugins from update sites

eclipse-plugin mirroring p2