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New posts in eclipse-plugin

Install sonarlint plugin in eclipse offline

Can Eclipse PDT automatically add PHPDoc Blocks to code where needed?

How to define suppressions-definitions for checkstyle, that work with both ant and eclipse

Producing java classes from xsd file - JAXB

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Cannot cast eclipse project to IJavaProject

how to hide files from package explorer


Metrics Plugin issue in Eclipse

eclipse eclipse-plugin

Installing AJDT I got a Plug-in org.eclipse.jdt.ui was unable to load class org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.javaeditor.CompilationUnitEditor

eclipse eclipse-plugin ajdt

Launching a URL from an Eclipse plugin

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Eclipse not Recognizing "R.id..." with Android

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JUnit Eclipse plugin source-code?

What is the best Eclipse GWT plugin? [closed]

eclipse gwt eclipse-plugin

Is there a plugin for eclipse to examine 2D arrays while debugging?

How can I define a custom action for "Open Declaration" (shortcut F3) in Eclipse

How do I fix JavaHL (JNI) Not available after I have changed the logon password on my Mac?

Eclipse p2 : Difference between category.xml and site.xml

Can I debug PHP files under Eclipse PDT without using Apache?

php eclipse eclipse-plugin

Can't connect to Eclipse Marketplace

project progress linked to strange site in eclipse maven