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Using Firefox in Eclipse instead of IE

eclipse eclipse-plugin

"App Engine Connected Android Project" not available

How to open a new eclipse editor with a specific cursor offset position

java eclipse-plugin editor

Eclipse RCP java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseStarter

Loading Genymotion library Genymotion directory: /Applications/Genymotion.app/Contents/MacOS Trying to initialize engine Initialize Engine: failed

How to pass parameter into code-template in eclipse-plugin

Grab selected text from Eclipse Java editor

Eclipse Scala interpreter (REPL) - proper use and debugging

Hibernate returns error "Class path must be set or restored default"

Escape result of FileLocator.resolve(url)

eclipse eclipse-plugin

eclipse plugin how to open file in IDE by code

JavaDoc plugin for eclipse?

Ant target dependency tree viewer

How to delay modificactions to the resource tree when it is locked

Eclipse editor plugin: "ERROR" when opening file outside project

java.lang.RuntimeException: Application "org.eclipse.ui.ide.workbench" could not be found in the registry

Install SmartyPDT in Eclipse Kepler

Is there eclipse plugin for RAML? [closed]

eclipse-plugin raml

Eclipse RCP: Target platform - Eclipse vs. Equinox?

GPE for Eclipse Indigo Installation Error