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Deprecate class inheritance only

Java: how to detect the current java runtime is a JRE or JDK?

Simplifying fully qualified names in Eclipse

java eclipse eclipse-jdt

How do I set the Eclipse build path and class path from an Ant build file?

How to get the sources of JDT of eclipse?

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Calling organize imports programmatically

Eclipse 3.8: Call Hierarchy misses callers from jars

why does m2e plugin for eclipse insert optional attribute to src and what does it do

How to disable Eclipse's "auto-folding during typing"?

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Java refactoring tools [duplicate]

How to programmatically rename a method using JDT

Generics and lambdas - different behavior in javac and Eclipse compiler

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Is it possible to run the Eclipse JDT compiler from the command line, like javac?

What does "Computing additional info" mean?

eclipse eclipse-jdt

Cannot cast eclipse project to IJavaProject

How can I define a custom action for "Open Declaration" (shortcut F3) in Eclipse

A better way of code generator in Java?

How can I add JDT as a Maven dependency?

java eclipse maven eclipse-jdt