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Projectional Textual Editor?

Using EMF objects as keys

eclipse eclipse-emf

Using e3x property view with e4 Selection service from EMF Model

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Bidirectional M2M Transformations using Eclipse EMF

Changing generated code or use inheritance?

EProxy URI does not resolve in ecore model

eclipse-emf ecore

How to programmatically trigger validation of EMF model?

XText programmatically parse a DSL script into an Ecore model

eclipse eclipse-emf xtext

Where can I find a valid SVG XML Schema (for ecore generation)?

Can I reuse ECore models by importing them into other models?

How do I create an EAttribute whose data type is not an EMF class?

java eclipse-emf

How to use EMF to read XML file?

java xml eclipse eclipse-emf

How to convert XSD to Ecore (EMF)

Register Ecore meta-model programmatically

How to create a generic list with Eclipse EMF?

eclipse eclipse-emf

Why should I use EMF?

java xsd eclipse-emf

What are the main differences between Jetbrains' MPS and Eclipse Xtext?

dsl eclipse-emf xtext mps