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New posts in eclipse-adt

Change project file structure after migrating from Eclipse to Android Studio gradle structure

Eclipse not creating new Activity and xml layout file (issues started after updating eclipse and sdk)

Attach Eclipse debugger to restarted application

android adt ddms eclipse-adt

Why do I get this error: 'default' is not a best match for any device/locale combination? [duplicate]

android eclipse eclipse-adt

My computer is connected over a VPN, Android emulator can't access local intranet sites

Android ConnectivityManager is not seeing permission ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE

Is it possible to preview the layout of an AppWidget in Eclipse?

Eclipse - Errors running builder 'Android Package Builder'

Adding Sliding Tabs using Support Library v7:21 with Toolbar in Android Developer Tools for existing project

"Plug-in org.eclipse.jdt.ui was unable to load class org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.packageview.PackageExplorerPart." issue in adt ( v22.6.2)

java android eclipse-adt

Android Emulator is not starting in Ubuntu

How to add "Android Design Support Library" to Eclipse with ADT-plugin?

Passing parameter from a button to android:onClick method

android eclipse eclipse-adt

Eclipse and Android XML layouts gives "'default' is not a best match for any device/locale combination"

android eclipse eclipse-adt

ClassNotFoundException on AndroidAnnotations generated classes since update to ADT 22

Eclipse and Android SDK issue "aapt.exe has stopped"

ADT - libstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file

Remove Logcat from Java Perspective

ADT eclipse xml layout text editor - often broken until file closed and reopened [duplicate]

android eclipse eclipse-adt

What is the "Android Private Libraries" folder in Eclipse?