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New posts in dynamic-memory-allocation

Dynamic allocation of array issue C

posix_memalign for std::vector

Dynamically allocating array with the [] operator instead of using malloc?

Small objects allocator

Why is deleted memory unable to be reused

Memory allocation for array on Stack or Heap (C) [closed]

struct containing string value causes segmentation fault upon its assignment after its creation using dynamic memory allocation

Reading all content from a text file - C

C++ - Allocating memory on heap using "new"

Alignment of Heap Arrays in C and C++ to Ease Compiler (GCC) Vectorization

Sized Deallocation Feature In Memory Management in C++1y

Assembly x86 brk() call use

Does Deleting a Dynamically Allocated Vector Clear It's Contents

How to delete object if constructor throws an exception?

What can I use instead of std::aligned_alloc in MS Visual Studio 2013?

How much memory should you be able to allocate?

C++: If I overload new operator, do I have to overload the delete operator too?

Java array initialization with zero size

The array is static, but the array size isn't know until runtime. How is this possible?

Are there any advantages to using calloc() instead of a malloc() and memset()?