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New posts in dynamic-memory-allocation

Allocate dynamic array with interdependent dimensions

Return Pointer from function with pointer as param

Why is dynamically allocated memory always 16 bytes aligned?

Can i allocate memory faster by using multiple threads?

Is there any way to use Qt without using dynamic memory for everything?

alternative to strdup

2D dynamic memory allocation array in C++

C++ How to properly copy container(vector) of pointers?

Realloc equivalent in C++

What does this dynamic allocation do?

Creation of Dynamic Array of Dynamic Objects in C++

Shouldn't this code crash

How can I track memory allocation of C++ standard library calls?

Is it practically OK to delete object not constructed using the new expression?

Ring Allocator For Lockfree Update of Member Variable?

catch std::function allocations at compile time

Can I specify the location of the heap to serialize my data?

RAII, unique_ptr, and out parameters

Is initializer evaluated after memory allocation in new expression?

Can Qt arrange for QObject* to be set to nullptr when QObject is destroyed?