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Mercurial and NTFS Alternate data stream

How can I have two "streams of development" (branches?) track each other while remaining different in particular ways?

git mercurial dvcs bazaar

Mercurial: How to switch to a named branch if a tag has the same name?

gitolite + cgit: No repositories found

version control: moving a bug fix/code enhancement around feature development

Can I configure mercurial hooks like some extensions are configured in the hgrc file?

Mercurial diff not working after move/rename

Is it possible to apply a commit to all branches in git?

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Is DVCS (Mercurial) not for me?

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What makes Git better than Subversion for merging? [duplicate]

how push a bunch on changes as single one in mercurial

What are the merits of using the various VCS (Version Control Systems) that exist to track Drupal projects?

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What is your workflow to coordinate Pivotal Tracker with Mercurial?

Get the dates of pull and update in Mercurial

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Is there a children command to complement the parents command?

mercurial dvcs

Avoid pushing unwanted local history to main repository in Bazaar or Mercurial

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Mercurial: a few questions all related to .hgignore

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Are Mercurial's bundled extensions considered part of it's core feature set and approach to version control?

mercurial dvcs

Anyway to automatically merge or concatenate hgtags (Mercurial)?

Free distributed source control with visual studio integration?