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Is using a central repository going against GIT's purpose?

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How do you remove big files from history in mercurial?

Retrieve old version of a file without changing working copy parent

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Mercurial - cannot commit merge with missing files error

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Why doesn't git commit -a add new files?

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How to resolve merging conflicts in Mercurial (v1.0.2)?

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Comparing the pros and cons of Bitbucket to Github [closed]

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Reasons for not working on the master branch in Git

Why Kiln is based on Mercurial, and not other (D)VCS

Is there an open source equivalent to piper, Google's version control tool?

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Can I clone part of a Mercurial repository?

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how to make pull requests *without* a github account?

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What makes merging in DVCS easy?

Bitbucket: Update a fork to merge changes of master repo?

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