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New posts in domain-driven-design

Why do sagas (aka, process managers) contain an internal state and why are they persisted to the event store?

Should I use separate projects for bounded contexts in DDD .NET?

DDD - How to store aggregates in NoSql databases

Design choice for a microservice event-driven architecture

Stream aggregate relationship in an event sourced system

DDD principles and repositories with Dapper

In TDD and DDD, how do you handle read-only properties in fakes?

How to code a C# Extension method to turn a Domain Model object into an Interface object?

Domain driven programming and events

Design pattern for asynchronous calls in C#

Should Post and Comment be in the Post Aggregate or should they be aggregates of their own?

Is this a proper use of DTO?

DDD with .NET - Is there common infrastructure library available?

nodejs: Node modules vs singleton classes

Rules for accessing services from domain objects

Why must Domain services use domain objects as parameters and return values?


using Natural key as the ID of DomainObject or GUID + auto-increment Domain Driven Design

Domen driven architecture and user typos/errors

DDD find out ID of child element after saving with Hibernate

Implementing DDD (Red Book): Why did he made the Collaborators as Value Objects?
