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New posts in docstring

Python "See help(type(self)) for accurate signature."

Is there a way to make Eclipse+PyDev display function documentation like Python's help() would? [duplicate]

csv-table formatting in Python docstrings (Sphinx) - multiple lines in one cell

Is there a way to print a short version of the docstring for all members of a Python object?

How to modify class docstrings using classmethods

Python-Sphinx: "inherit" method documentation from superclass

Should you always document functions, even if redundant (specifically python)?

Sphinx autodoc functions within module

Doctest for nested docstring

python doctest docstring

What is the best way in python to write docstrings for lambda functions?

python lambda docstring

Python docstrings and inline code; meaning of the ">>>" syntax

python docstring

Can I view the doc string of a function in Python using VIM?

python vim docstring

How do I change Emacs's font face for Python docstrings?

How would I pretty print a python docstring?

python docstring

PyCharm: How to document :rtype: for function that returns generator

Is docstring max line-length different to normal PEP8 standard?

Make function have ellipsis for arguments in help() function

python docstring

Python 3 - Method docstring inheritance without breaking decorators or violating DRY

Tell PyCharm code generated fields of class

Python: how to embed all docstring help at package level help menu?