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New posts in emacs-faces

What are some good emacs font faces to manually set?

How can I change the face of scalar variables in emacs cperl-mode?

Is there a way to prevent font-locking from changing the font family (and change color only)?

emacs font-lock emacs-faces

Is there a way to copy text from emacs with faces in Windows?

Change Emacs' background color

Change Emacs Mode-Line color based on major-mode

Customizing highlighting faces in Emacs: Only change the background color

emacs emacs-faces

Emacs: very slow scrolling with font-lock/syntax coloring

emacs font-lock emacs-faces

How do I change Emacs's font face for Python docstrings?

How to refresh font setting without restart Emacs?

emacs fonts emacs-faces

Emacs font lock mode: provide a custom color instead of a face

Org-mode strike-through color

emacs org-mode emacs-faces

How to set a buffer locally face attribute for a particular buffer?

In C/C++ mode in Emacs, change face of code in #if 0...#endif block to comment face

Adjusting term faces in the new Emacs 24.3

emacs emacs-faces

Can't change cursor color in emacsclient

emacs emacs-faces

How do I stop npm's colored output from looking ugly in Emacs term-mode?

emacs emacs-faces

what is custom-set-variables and faces in my .emacs?

emacs dot-emacs emacs-faces

Set Emacs defaut font face per-buffer/mode