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Django-Celery - Resubmit tasks from admin page?

django celery django-celery

Returning Django exceptions in plain text

Issue tracker / user feedback django app

Programmatically check if syncdb is running


Django admin, list filter based on boolean callable

ManyToManyField with through on an abstract model

How do you add a new entry into the django admin index?

python django django-admin

How can I run Selenium tests against a test database?

Django end-user defined fields, how to? [duplicate]

Why does Django's RelatedManager not cache the object the lookup was called from, on the destination object?

Should I catch errors that would never occur with a regular user?

Using template language in CSS files correctly

css django django-templates

Problems with fabric deployment

OperationFailure: database error when threading in MongoEngine/PyMongo

Including base64-encoded image in ReportLab-generated PDF

Multiple Django applications using virtualenv on Apache 2 on Ubuntu 11

In Celery how to update the state of a main task until all his subtasks are done?

python django celery

Django - Annotate on ManyToMany fields using an intermediate table

django django-models

Decrease the number of elif blocks

Django-nonrel + Django-registration problem: unexpected keyword argument 'uidb36' when resetting password