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Programmatically check if syncdb is running



I have some signal handlers that work on the Django user. Additionally I'm using South. These signal handlers depends on some migrations that must run in before.

When Django executed snycdb and creates the admin user these migrations haven't run and the signal handlers raise an exception.

I'm searching for a way to detect if Django currently runs syncdb so that the signal handerls can skip execution.

like image 473
Martin Thurau Avatar asked Nov 05 '22 12:11

Martin Thurau

1 Answers

I trap the DatabaseError exception and check if the ContentType entry for the model I'm trying to use exists, if it doesn't I assume syncdb is happening, otherwise rollback the transaction and re-raise the original exception. This method incurs in an extra DB access only when DatabaseError is raised.

    with transaction.commit_on_success():
            content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(kwargs['instance'])
            for relation in WorkflowTypeRelation.objects.filter(content_type=content_type):
                workflow_instance = WorkflowInstance.objects.create(content_object=kwargs['instance'],
        except DatabaseError as database_error:
            except ContentType.DoesNotExist:
                # Most probable running during syncdb phase,
                # so ignore the exception
            except DatabaseError:
                # ContentType model DB table doesn't exists,
                # raise original exception
                raise database_error
                # The ContentType model exists,
                # there is something wrong with the DB
                # raise original exception
                raise database_error
like image 200
Roberto Rosario Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11

Roberto Rosario