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Sentry custom 500 handler




I have a custom 500 hander to use with sentry. In my urls.py file i have:

def handler500(request):
    500 error handler which includes ``request`` in the context.

    Templates: `500.html`
    Context: None
    from django.template import Context, loader
    from django.http import HttpResponseServerError

    t = loader.get_template('500.html') # You need to create a 500.html template.
    return HttpResponseServerError(t.render(RequestContext(request)))

And in my 500.html template:

{% extends "intranet/index.html" %}

{% block main_content %}
<h1>Internal Error!</h1>
<p>You've encountered an error, please try again in some time or file an 
error report if the problem persists. 
{% if request.sentry.id %}
You may reference this error as <strong>{{ request.sentry.id }}</strong>.
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}

This works on my local machine, but not on my webhost. The apache logs contain this error:

[Thu Mar 31 22:09:15 2011] [error] [client]     args = md5_constructor(u':'.join([urlquote(resolve_variable(var, context)) for var in self.vary_on])), referer: https://myurl.com/view/b4bddfa9da6d40fb8bad3e68393a8efb
[Thu Mar 31 22:09:15 2011] [error] [client]   File "/mypath/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/template/__init__.py", line 630, in resolve_variable, referer: https://myurl.com/view/b4bddfa9da6d40fb8bad3e68393a8efb
[Thu Mar 31 22:09:15 2011] [error] [client]     return Variable(path).resolve(context), referer: https://myurl.com/view/b4bddfa9da6d40fb8bad3e68393a8efb
[Thu Mar 31 22:09:15 2011] [error] [client]   File "/mypath/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/template/__init__.py", line 696, in resolve, referer: https://myurl.com/view/b4bddfa9da6d40fb8bad3e68393a8efb
[Thu Mar 31 22:09:15 2011] [error] [client]     value = self._resolve_lookup(context), referer: https://myurl.com/view/b4bddfa9da6d40fb8bad3e68393a8efb
[Thu Mar 31 22:09:15 2011] [error] [client]   File "/mypath/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/template/__init__.py", line 749, in _resolve_lookup, referer: https://myurl.com/view/b4bddfa9da6d40fb8bad3e68393a8efb
[Thu Mar 31 22:09:15 2011] [error] [client]     raise VariableDoesNotExist("Failed lookup for key [%s] in %r", (bit, current)) # missing attribute, referer: https://myurl.com/view/b4bddfa9da6d40fb8bad3e68393a8efb
[Thu Mar 31 22:09:15 2011] [error] [client] TemplateSyntaxError: Caught VariableDoesNotExist while rendering: Failed lookup for key [request] in u'[{}, {\\'block\\': <Block Node: body. Contents: [<Text Node: \\'\\n<body>\\n<div id="page">\\n\\'>, <If node>, <Text Node: \\'\\n<div id="container" clas\\'>, <Block Node: container. Contents: [<Text Node: \\'\\n\\'>, <If node>, <Text Node: \\'\\n<div id="main_content" c\\'>, <If node>, <Text Node: \\'">\\n<div id="breadcrumbs">\\'>, <Block Node: main_content. Contents: [<Text Node: \\'\\n\\n<div id="actions">\\n\\'>, <Block Node: actions. Contents: [<Text Node: \\'\\n\\'>]>, <Text Node: \\'\\n</div>\\n<div id="content"\\'>, <Block Node: content. Contents: [<Text Node: \\'\\n\\'>]>, <Text Node: \\'\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\'>]>, <Text Node: \\'\\n<div style="clear: both;\\'>]>, <Text Node: \\'\\n</div>\\n\\'>, <If node>, <Text Node: \\'\\n<div style="clear: both;\\'>]>}, {\\'block\\': <Block Node: notifications. Contents: [<Text Node: \\'\\n    \\'>, <django.templatetags.cache.CacheNode object at 0xb3faa8c>, <Text Node: \\'\\n    \\'>]>}]', referer: https://myurl.com/view/b4bddfa9da6d40fb8bad3e68393a8efb

This is driving me crazy. Any advice would be much appreciated

like image 572
zsquare Avatar asked Nov 05 '22 00:11


1 Answers

Are your settings absolutely 100% the same between dev and production?

Make sure you have django.core.context_processors.request in your TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS

While i don't see anything in your template that should complain this loudly, you must have something in another template causing this problem.

Hope that's the case!



like image 60
Yuji 'Tomita' Tomita Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 04:11

Yuji 'Tomita' Tomita