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New posts in django-testing

Django, generic relations, make fixtures

Django testing and ContentType generic relatations fixtures

How to register Django models that are only used in tests

django django-testing

Django Testing: DatabaseCreation' object has no attribute '_rollback_works'

django django-testing

Django TransactionTestCase with rollback emulation

With py.test, database is not reset after LiveServerTestCase

How can I test alternative body content in EmailMultiAlternatives object using django test system?

Django Testing: no data in temporary database file

Django unit test mock queryset from related object

How do I write tests for the functionality of Django admin pages?

How to access Django message framework content in Django unit tests

Testing django application with several legacy databases

Django not running tests with manage.py test, unless an app and a specific test method is specified

django django-testing

Django UnitTest - Setting session variable

Integrity error when loading fixtures for Selenium testing in Django

Django test client does not handle exceptions?

is it possible to pass request.body via post request in django test client?

Setting liveserver port when running tests in django

How can I test a form's validation logic in a unit test driver in Django?

Pycharm with django throws ImportError: cannot import name 'unittest'