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New posts in django-migrations

How to execute code on post_migrate signal in Django?

Django datetime default value in migrations

Django 1.7 blank CharField/TextField convention

django.core.exceptions.FieldDoesNotExist: model has no field named <function SET_NULL at 0x7fc5ae8836e0>

Python 2 -> 3 Django migration causes field parameter type change

Do django db_index migrations run concurrently?

django: exclude models from migrations

Models inside tests - Django 1.7 issue

How can I send signals from within Django migrations?

Getting a "The following content types are stale and need to be deleted" when trying to do a migrate. What does this mean, and how can I solve it?

Django migrate and makemigrate automatic yes on prompt

django django-migrations

Django 1.8 Migrations. Adding DateTimeField after db creation. Best practices?

Remove app with Django 1.7 migrations

django django-migrations

Django makemigrations not detecting project/apps/myapp

Creating Partial Indexes with Django 1.7

Convert data on AlterField django migration

Django Sites Framework: Initial Data Migration Location

Django migration fails with "__fake__.DoesNotExist: Permission matching query does not exist."

Trying to migrate in Django 1.9 -- strange SQL error "django.db.utils.OperationalError: near ")": syntax error"

Django 1.8 migration unable to cast column id to integer