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New posts in django-migrations

How to store third party apps migrations in django

Django migration - disable system checks

django django-migrations

Why Django migration alter field (AlterField) that is not touched?

Automatically generate custom migrations in Django

Django migration with "--fake-initial" is not working if AddField referes to "same" column

What is the recommended way to run South migrations before Django 1.7 migrations?

How do you cleanly maintain django migrations on non-master branch?

Django 1.9 can't modify unique_together (ValueError) wrong number of constrains

Django: revert merge migration

Django logging during migration

Circular dependency error when running migrations in Django 1.7c2

django django-migrations

Django Migrations Says Database Backend Isn't Available

How to remove a default value function in Django

How to organize migration for two related models and automatically set default field value for id of newly created object?

Why Django 1.7 move from syncdb to migrate?

Django 1.7 makemigrations not having an effect

Upgrading from Django 1.6 to 1.9: python manage.py migrate failure

Should i edit the django migration file to edit mismatched dependencies

ValueError: path is on mount 'C:', start on mount 'F:' while django migrations in windows

django django-migrations

Is it possible to change the 'migrations' folder's location outside of the Django project?