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New posts in dialyzer

Having Dialyzer support Custom Behaviours

erlang dialyzer

Can I tell Dialyzer to ignore some modules?

erlang dialyzer

Why does Dialyzer believe specs with too-specific return types?

erlang dialyzer

Is there any efficiency difference between using Dialyzer on Erlang beam and source code?

erlang dialyzer

Erlang: dialyzer is dead slow for a big project

erlang dialyzer

Why does Dialyzer not catch this simple error?

erlang dialyzer

Dialyzer warns about no_exit on bad record construction - is this a bug?

erlang dialyzer

Specifying a string value in the type definition for the Elixir typespecs

Dialyzer misses error with type specification

erlang dialyzer

Elixir type specs and parameterized type variables

types elixir dialyzer

Type of non-terminating function in Erlang

types erlang dialyzer

static analysis vs static typing

erlang reduce elixir dialyzer

Erlang: NIFs and dialyzer warning

erlang dialyzer erlang-nif

Does Dialyzer analyze anonymous functions?

elixir dialyzer

dialyzer not detecting guard violation when function is exported

erlang dialyzer

Why doesn't Dialyzer find this code wrong?

Why Dialyzer tells me that this fun contract has overlapping domains?

types erlang dialyzer

How do I get dialyzer to ignore certain unexported functions?

erlang dialyzer

Erlang: Will adding type spec to code make dialyzer more effective?

erlang dialyzer