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Erlang: Will adding type spec to code make dialyzer more effective?

I have a project that doesn't have -spec or -type in code, currently dialyzer can find some warnings, most of them are in machine generated codes.

Will adding type specs to code make dialyzer find more errors?

Off the topic, is there any tool to check whether the specs been violated or not?

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Not an ID Avatar asked Dec 21 '15 07:12

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1 Answers

Adding typespecs will dramatically improve the accuracy of Dialyzer.

Because Erlang is a dynamic language Dialyzer must default to a rather broad interpretation of types unless you give it hints to narrow the "success" typing that it will go by. Think of it like giving Dialyzer a filter by which it can transform a set of possible successes to a subset of explicit types that should ever work.

This is not the same as Haskell, where the default assumption is failure and all code must be written with successful typing to be compiled at all -- Dialyzer must default to assume success unless it knows for sure that a type is going to fail.

Typespecs are the main part of this, but Dialyzer also checks guards, so a function like

increment(A) -> A + 1.

Is not the same as

increment(A) when A > 100 -> A + 1.

Though both may be typed as

-spec increment(integer()) -> integer().

Most of the time you only care about integer values being integer(), pos_integer(), neg_integer(), or non_neg_integer(), but occasionally you need an arbitrary range bounded only on one side -- and the type language has no way to represent this currently (though personally I would like to see a declaration of 100..infinity work as expected).

The unbounded-range of when A > 100 requires a guard, but a bounded range like when A > 100 and A < 201 could be represented in the typespec alone:

-spec increment(101..200) -> pos_integer().
increment(A) -> %stuff.

Guards are fast with the exception of calling length/1 (which you should probably never actually need in a guard), so don't worry with the performance overhead until you actually know and can demonstrate that you have a performance problem that comes from guards. Using guards and typespecs to constrain Dialyzer is extremely useful. It is also very useful as documentation for yourself and especially if you use edoc, as the typespec will be shown there, making APIs less mysterious and easy to toy with at a glance.

There is some interesting literature on the use of Dialyzer in existing codebases. A well-documented experience is here: Gradual Typing of Erlang Programs: A Wrangler Experience. (Unfortunately some of the other links I learned a lot from previously have disappeared or moved. (!.!) A careful read of the Wrangler paper, skimming over the User's Guide and man page, playing with Dialyzer, and some prior experience in a type system like Haskell's will more than prepare you for getting a lot of mileage out of Dialyzer, though.)

[On a side note, I've spoken with a few folks before about specifying "pure" functions that could be guaranteed as strongly typed either with a notation or by using a different definition syntax (maybe Prolog's :- instead of Erlang's ->... or something), but though that would be cool, and it is very possible even now to concentrate side-effects in a tiny part of the program and pass all results back in a tuple of {Results, SideEffectsTODO}, this is simply not a pressing need and Erlang works pretty darn well as-is. But Dialyzer is indeed very helpful for showing you where you've lost track of yourself!]

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zxq9 Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 23:11
