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How can I make my device vibrate?

linux / libusb get usb device path

linux path usb device libusb

Getting live info from /dev/input

device c udev block-device

Graphic not appearing in R: null device?

r graphics device rworldmap

How can I restrict my app for iPhone's only, excluding iPod touch?

ios xcode itunes device

How to get the device locale after changing the application locale

android location locale device

Google Nexus 5 is not being detected by computer/doesn't appear in device manager [duplicate]

Flash memory as mass storage device using STM32 USB Device Library

usb storage device stm32

Ruby on Rails functional test with Devise authentication

Eclipse detecting the same device multiple times

android eclipse adb device

Testing with console output for multiple devices (iPhone/iPad) at the same time with Xcode

xcode debugging device

Android listing BLE devices after device scan

Images showing in simulator but not on the iPhone device

Calculate PPI of Android Device

android device ppi

How to get human readable name for RawInput HID device?

windows device hid

The identity 'iPhone Developer' doesn't match any valid, non-expired certificate/private key pair in your keychains

ios testing certificate device

Is there any fix for Android studio keep disconnecting test device in Macbook Pro?

How to get a list of video capture devices (web cameras) on windows? (C++)