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New posts in deployment

How to deploy Subversion externals?

Revisiting GAC Installations

.net deployment gac

Sharing a fabfile across multiple projects

Best practices for deploying an MVC application on IIS7

Click once application rollback

XCode fails to deploy iPhone app to iPhone 3GS

iphone xcode deployment xcode4

make the assemblyversion similar to publish version

c# deployment assemblies

Database Deployment Practices

c# sql deployment

What is the proper way to deploy Orchard CMS to shared hosting?

Should I go with attaching MDF file to SQL Express or a real deployment script to SQL Server?

easy way to deploy 3rd party dependencies to a maven repository

github php project deployment

Pros/cons to various Java packaging strategies

java deployment packaging

Problems with fabric deployment

Spring MVC - Why the NoSuchMethodError exception when deploying context?

Is there a slick way to deploy my silverlight app and change settings programmatically?

How do you do a rolling deploy with capistrano?

Correctly removing Development Toolbar in Seaside

Deployment/build tool between Ant and Chef

Configure Eclipse to pre-bundle App Engine classes into a single JAR for faster warm-up