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New posts in dependency-injection

Inject multiple Spring beans, that inherit from shared interface, into an array within a service

zf2 resolve module view path

Autofac: Register classes that are dependant on specific instances of other classes

Guice - how to inject abstract field in parent from child

Constructor injection overuse

Confused over using IOC container, service locator and factory

Why is dependency injection better than using factories?

@EJB annotation vs JNDI lookup

Dependency Injection - Does it violate Separation of Concerns?

How can I get all singleton instances from a Guice Injector?

Registering and resolving named instances in Castle.Windsor

Applying clean code and SOLID principle take me so much time: normal? [closed]

AngularJS inject service into multiple controllers

Domain service injecting into domain entities

Simple injector and internal constructors

Information on @Inject in CDI/Weld and DI/Guice

Simple Injector plugins

How to intercept a factory in lightinject

DI in Scala with Cake Pattern

Spring Bean Wiring