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New posts in delphi

Can you use VISTA sized icons when you use 'Load icon' in Delphi 7?

try/except doesn't seem to capture exceptions - Delphi Service Application

c# Type Alias/Custom Type

c# delphi types

Where should I put my utility methods? How can I used my customized form? (Delphi)


How to suppress Script error warnings when using TWebBrowser in Delphi? [duplicate]

Is there an easier way to convert Delphi 7 to Delphi 2009?

delphi delphi-2009 delphi-7

How can I check if there is a default printer (Windows)?

java .net windows delphi winapi

Is there a type safe version of the @ operator? Or a compiler warning that can be switched on?


Delphi 6 : How can I display large size high quality Text via the TextOut() method?

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Introducing interfaces into an existing class hierarchy in Delphi

What does this line of C code mean?

c++ c delphi

Delphi: Screen.Cursor not working and can't figure out Windows.SetCursor(crHourGlass)


Is it safe to modify the content of a string variable through a pointer?


store variant value in object property of TStringList

delphi delphi-2007

Which version of IMalloc should I use in Delphi?

delphi shell types delphi-xe

Delphi and 48x48 (or bigger) imagelists - is there a workaround?

"old format or invalid type library"

Use Delphi5 in Delphi XE environment

delphi ide delphi-xe delphi-5

Is there a replacement or update for WmiSet for post-Delphi 2007?

delphi wmi wmi-query

Delphi - Drag & Drop with ListView