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New posts in delphi-xe

How do you retrieve a new unit name from Delphi's open tools API

TListView and mouse wheel scrolling

delphi mouseevent delphi-xe

FireMonkey and showing modal dialog center of the owner form

Rtti does not work with generics types used as class fields

delphi delphi-xe rtti

Cannot destroy THTTPReqResp component in a thread

Remove tcategorypanel border

delphi delphi-xe

Invoke method on generic type?

delphi generics delphi-xe

THotKey does not work anymore under Delphi XE

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Add my own items to Delphi IDE Insight (F6) with in Delphi Open Tools API

delphi delphi-xe toolsapi

Delphi package problem : Packaged units must refer only to packaged units.. (E2411)

How to trace handle leaks?

Can "unused" classes be made available in Delphi XE

delphi delphi-xe rtti

Is there an alternative to the OnChange event that is raised on any action in Delphi?

Disable Delphi XE automatic update check

delphi delphi-xe

How to monitoring directory for files in Delphi XE? [duplicate]

Parse HTTP directory listing

delphi delphi-xe

Sets in Delphi XE are not working the same way they worked in D7

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How to realize parallel loop in Delphi?

How to use TFormatSettings.Create without being specific to a platform?

delphi delphi-xe

Is there a way to use JSONP with a Delphi DataSnap REST server?