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New posts in delphi-xe4

How to declare a set type of an enum type within a generic class

delphi generics delphi-xe4

Delphi - Icon of compiled EXE is wrong and cannot be changed

TListView in virtual mode limited to 100,000,000 items?

How can I convert a Unicode string to an AnsiString?

delphi delphi-xe4

Can I create a VarArray OleVariant from a buffer (pByte) and size without copying?

delphi delphi-xe4 safearray

How to set TPanel transparent?

Is there a way to set the Keyboard Type when entering a value in a StringGrid?

XE4 iOS app: Unable to install package. (e8008015)

How deploy a OSX or IOS Delphi project from the Command line?

delphi delphi-xe4

Delphi - How can I pass Generic parameter to function that accept Array of const parameter

delphi generics delphi-xe4

How do I draw an image with an alpha channel to a TSpeedButton?

Is a separate Delphi XE4 license required for a build machine?

delphi msbuild delphi-xe4

Delphi XE4 FireMonkey TMemo Transparent? (iOS)

Bug or limit of Delphi's max. constant integer values? [duplicate]

delphi delphi-xe4

Constant `array of cardinal` produces error 'Constant expression violates subrange bounds"

How to read fairly simple JSON file in Delphi Xe4?

json delphi delphi-xe4

unit testing tool for delphi XE4

Delphi and iOS File size