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New posts in delphi-7

Migrating old Delphi 7 code to Delphi XE - unicode really needed?

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Delphi compiler Directive list, do we have to place directives before the unit name?

Protection against Resource Hacker

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Translating code for DLL Injection from Delphi 7 to Delphi XE2

Are Delphi and C++ class VMTs compatible?

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Delphi Short Cut to add Date and Name Comment

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Collect all active window class names

Delphi 7, how to copy Paintbox content to a Tbitmap?

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How to implement custom TGraphicControl.OnResize?

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Show last line in a TLabel

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Delphi: creating & displaying TImage on FormCreate

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Delphi 7 compile getting slower over time?

delphi delphi-7

Using Delphi7 TClientDataSet: is it possible to have it save its XML contents in an indented format?

DeleteFile not working

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How to add my icon to component in the component palette page? [duplicate]

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Collection of DLL's in another Designated Folder?

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IP Address String Routines in Delphi?

Delphi 7, strings problems

Listbox content in another application

Calculate Days Between Two Dates

delphi date datetime delphi-7