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New posts in delphi-7

Delphi and 48x48 (or bigger) imagelists - is there a workaround?

Error on LoadURL with TChromium

delphi delphi-7 tchromium

Delphi - TQuery .AsString to return 0 or 1 for Boolean field values

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Delphi threading: CriticalSection not being "Release'd" when using Synchronize inside its method

Having problems with adoTable

delphi delphi-7

Delphi select object by unknown class type

delphi class types delphi-7

Why does SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETNONCLIENTMETRICS, ...) hang in Windows 7 when it didn't before?

delphi delphi-7 winapi

How to "build" a negative 32 bit integer from bytes without a range check error?

Delphi Non Blocking ShowModal

delphi delphi-7 vcl tform

Delphi How to search in binary file faster?

delphi delphi-7 binaryfiles

Using SSE to round in Delphi

Is it possible to start (and stop) a thread inside a DLL?

delphi dll delphi-7

Component Tperlregex fatal error L3169?

Reading value without using sections

delphi delphi-7 ini

TClientDataset ApplyUpdates error because of database table constraint

Is it possible to read an external resource file which is not embedded in application?

Can I guarrantee execution of custom finalization code AFTER form destruction?

Delphi, VirtualStringTree - classes (objects) instead of records

Passing an Object as an Interface

delphi interface delphi-7

Delphi - execute functions and procedures from external file

delphi delphi-7