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New posts in delphi-2010

Delphi 2010 AutoRun Tab Error

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How can I make a form transparent according to a PNG image?

TArray<Byte> VS TBytes VS PByteArray

delphi delphi-2010

How test a Delphi app with Application Verifier 4.0?

Delphi 2010 virtual keyboard, start with CapsLock on?

How do I put a form in to help mode?

How do I make a TCheckListBox scroll vertically?

Converting an AnsiString to a Unicode String

Delphi 2010 Search Wrap Around

delphi search delphi-2010

Delphi 2010: Group TListView items in vsReport ViewStyle

string problems migrating Delphi 3 to Delphi 2010

Debugging SOAP Transmission

delphi delphi-2010 indy

The best practice on how to wait for data within thread and write it into file?

Why do TTime comparisons give unexpected results?

delphi datetime delphi-2010

How to stop Script Errors in TWebBrowser in delphi [duplicate]

delphi delphi-2010

Delphi Spring framework register generic type

How can I update a DataSnap server while clients are still connected?

VirtualStringTree - Correct way to add/handle subnodes/childnodes when using objects?

Event after Resizing TListView column

Is it possible to use a simple loop inside of Synchronize?

delphi delphi-2010