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New posts in delphi-10-seattle

Delphi - TStringList Save/Load to stream encoding

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MessageDlg does not make sound

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is there a way to obtain the same result than set compiler flags at runtime for PEFlags?

Why are breakpoints green and not working?

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Delphi 10 Seattle update1 IDE high dpi support

delphi delphi-10-seattle

How to show placeholder in TEdit

Delphi Seattle has very big font as default

Why form.show is called before form.create in firemonkey?

Variable Type for searching both with id and string

delphi delphi-10-seattle

Is there any risk in having an exe larger than 100MB built with Delphi?

Delphi 10 Seattle Automated Builds

TClientDataSet uses too much memory for string fields

How to override the call to show the CapsLock hint window in a TEdit?

delphi delphi-10-seattle

VERSIONINFO resource not being shown in EXE properties

How to avoid function result being destroyed by Free inside function?

delphi delphi-10-seattle

Delphi Clipboard: Read file properties of a file copied

How to stop creating .stat file in Delphi 10 Seattle IDE

delphi delphi-10-seattle

Can't see and use custom VCL style

delphi delphi-10-seattle